Diversify NetSci

May 28, 2019 | The University of Vermont


Network Science is for everyone. Diversify NetSci is a forum to make that a reality.

Over the past dozen years, Network Science has come into its own as a field, with well established conferences and journals, several degree programs around the world, and a growing pool of resources for kindergarten through post-graduate education and beyond. In addition, the rise of data science and proliferation of machine learning throughout the private sector, non-profits/ngos, and government, means that methods from network science are touching increasingly many aspects of our lives and businesses. As our field continues to grow and mature, establish degree programs and academic departments, and define a canon of introductory and advanced literature, it is important to identify and nurture diversity in our ranks and in our publications. Building on successful (informal) meetings of the Women in Network Science in 2018 at CompleNet, INSNA’s Sunbelt, and NetSci, we propose a day-long satellite dedicated to diversity in Network Science. The goals for the satellite include:

  • Identifying best practices for recruiting and retaining diverse network scientists – people of color, women, LGBTQIA+ people, and other underrepresented minorities (and all their intersections) -- in Network Science at all ranks.
  • Promoting the work of diverse network scientists by diversifying reading lists for basic and advanced courses.
  • Creating a platform diverse network scientists, especially early career researchers, to network and showcase their work.
  • Providing mentoring opportunities where diverse network scientists can connect with one another over shared challenges and opportunities.
  • Establishing a plan for ongoing support for diverse network scientists at NetSci and beyond.

Who Should Attend:
Everyone! Although the agenda will include sessions for diverse attendees, Diversifying Network Science is a topic for every network scientist. Anyone committed to a welcoming, inclusive Network Science should attend. Those interested in attending should register for the main conference and also fill in this form to be a general participant in the satellite.

Format: This full-day satellite will be structured in two morning and two afternoon panels, with a “diversity office hours” mentoring session in between. See Program for details. The satellite will take place on Tuesday, May 28, 2019.

Time and date: May 28th in the Midfred Room of the UVM Davis Center.

Registration: Register for the main conference and fill out our satellite registration form.

Have a question? Send us an email at diversifynetsci2019@gmail.com.


Midfred Room,
UVM Davis Center


Tuesday, May 28, 2019