Advancing Graph Machine Learning through Network Science with Applications in Drug Discovery
Dissertation proposal
Ayan Chatterjee
PhD Student, NetSI
Past Talk
Virtual talk
May 16, 2024
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11:00 am
177 Huntington Ave.
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Devon House
58 St Katharine's Way
London E1W 1LP, UK
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Predicting connections between nodes in a network, a.k.a. link prediction, is a well-studied problem in network science, graph mining, and graph machine learning. This dissertation addresses the following limitations in state-of-the-art graph machine learning approaches to link prediction:

1. Predicting links for isolated nodes in the inductive setting (a.k.a. the cold-start problem).

2. Improving the generalizability of deep neural networks for link prediction through the use of network-derived negative samples and unsupervised pre-training of node attributes.

3. Generating topologically driven negative samples for link prediction that capture the complementarity in networks.

4. Investigating the feasibility of a foundation model for temporal link prediction through structure-inspired memory embeddings.

Link prediction is a critical task in various domains, including drug discovery and recommender systems. However, existing models often struggle with making accurate predictions for low-degree nodes and newly introduced entities, limiting their effectiveness. In my dissertation, I aim to address these challenges by proposing innovative approaches.

Firstly, I explore the limitations of state-of-the-art models in making inductive link predictions and propose a non-end-to-end training approach. This method leverages informative node attributes generated by unsupervised pre-training on large-scale corpora, enhancing model generalizability. Secondly, I focus on improving the interpretability of link prediction models by incorporating insights from network science into negative sampling techniques. This includes a strategic sampling of protein-protein non-interactions (PPNIs) to strengthen prediction generalizability and interpretability. Additionally, I introduce AI-Bind, a pipeline designed to improve drug-target interaction predictions, and ComPPlete, which enhances protein-protein interaction predictions through strategic sampling and unsupervised pre-training. These approaches aim to revolutionize drug discovery and advance our understanding of biological processes by providing more accurate and interpretable predictions

About the speaker
About the speaker
Ayan (he/him) is a fifth year PhD student working with Professor Tina Eliassi-Rad. He is interested in graph machine learning, specifically link prediction, graph embeddings, applying network science in graph machine learning, and biological networks. He got his Bachelor of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering from Jadavpur University, India and holds a Master's degree in Electronic Systems Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science. Prior to joining NetSI, Ayan was working at NVIDIA Graphics, developing and optimizing GPU architectures for AI and video processing applications.
Ayan (he/him) is a fifth year PhD student working with Professor Tina Eliassi-Rad. He is interested in graph machine learning, specifically link prediction, graph embeddings, applying network science in graph machine learning, and biological networks. He got his Bachelor of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering from Jadavpur University, India and holds a Master's degree in Electronic Systems Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science. Prior to joining NetSI, Ayan was working at NVIDIA Graphics, developing and optimizing GPU architectures for AI and video processing applications.

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